Friday, March 15, 2013

Cleaning Schedule

Here's an example cleaning schedule from Living Frugal and Fabulous, going to modify this one a bit and try it out.

It's taken me 15 years as a mother to finally figure this out.  Let me share:

Monday: Oh how I love Mondays. The big kids are back in school and I have time to get things back in order.  Back to school daily tidy up: I do a quick walk through and place things that need to go upstairs in a basket next to the stairs for the girls. I do a quick vacuum and sweep of the downstairs. - Clean the kitchen sink with trusty comet - Clean the gas cook top and wipe off counters - Laundry duty of mine and my husbands clothes

Tuesdays: Daily back to school tidy up - Boys Laundry - Tidy up son's room and vacuum (He is required to pick up his room Monday night before bed)

Wednesday: Daily back to school tidy up - Little girls laundry - Errand in town day. I try to coordinate trips in to Target or meet my husband for lunch.

Thursday: Daily back to school tidy up - Wash rotation of bed sheets and bath towels - Clean bathrooms: wipe down counters, Windex windows, clean potty. I mop the floors every other week. I clean the floor bath mats once a month. - Tidy up and vacuum little girls room - Plan the meals for next week and make grocery list

Friday:Grocery store trip (I only go once a week and do a big purchase) - Tidy up and vacuum master bedroom

Weekends: My oldest daughter is 15 and she cleans her room and does her laundry on Saturdays. The other kids do outside chores to help out. Sunday is our day off from cleaning. If we have any inside home projects that require my husbands handy help he does these during this time.

I never spend more than 2 hours a day cleaning. Some days are quicker than others. The key is to stick to the schedule so you are never so overwhelmed at your house doesn't get out of control... well most of the time.

(I liked that last part best, cause I would like and could handle 2 hours a day!)

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