Friday, February 1, 2013

Mission Statement vs. Motto

In "A House United" page 75, Nicholeen Peck shares the Peck Family Mission Statement which is repeated daily.  It goes as follows:

We the Peck family, will love support and be united with one another.
We are dedicated to building an atmosphere of trust, faith, and learning in our home.
We spread love and happiness to others.
We know that we are children of God and endeavor to return to His presence as an eternal family.
We have patience and wisdom in our relationships.
Heavenly Father guides and loves each of us so that we can fulfill our life's missions.

I think our family could do a mission statement, but I don't see us repeating it daily.  Once a week should do, probably on Sundays, since it seems so formal.

In "The Parenting Breakthrough", Merrilee Boyack shares their family mottos, which are like mini mission statements.  On page 128 are her family's mottos:

Boyacks are early.
Boyacks don't bail.
Boyacks live the Scout Law
Boyacks follow the prophet
Boyacks decorate like nuts for the holidays--especially Christmas!

I think little mottos like these would jive more with my crew.  And then we could verbally chant them out to the kids as the situation permits.  I.e. - 25 mintues till church starts and I want to leave in 10, not 25, and I'd shout out to any slow pokes that aren't ready with their shoes on yet "Wrides are EARLY!!  Let's go, Wrides!"

I also do like this list of rules / "guidelines" by the Duggars.  I'm not sure if it's too long for us to use, but I do like most all of their rules.  We shall implement those too.

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